The Problem With Saturdays

If you’re an avid birder and have the weekends to bird, Saturdays are problematic. So many places to bird; so many possiblities await. How do you choose which place to bird? What if you choose to look for shorebirds and then discover a few days later that passerines were popping up in the woodlots and you missed them. One way to solve this dilemma is to bird at the Hutto’s Bird House at Cedar Gap Farm.

The Bird House is a happen’ place. If there’s a bird anywhere near the area, it will put in an appearance at the feeders. As of April 15, Pine Siskins, American Goldfinches and several species of sparrow were still helping themselves to free seeds. Three new migrating sparrows (Chipping, Clay-colored, and Lark) showed up in good numbers along with the still wintering White-crowned and White-Throated Sparrows. The Black-chinned Hummingbirds are back from their wintering grounds and are busy buzzing around the feeders and gathering nesting material that Earlene has put out.

If sitting and waiting for the birds is not your thing, the Hutto’s have developed several trails that meander through their property. About a dozen Blue-gray Gnatcatchers were spotted gleaning insects from the trees. A nice-size pond attracts thirsty migrants and residents alike. Two Orange-crowned Warblers were splashing in the water while two pair of Spotted Towhees were preparing to bathe. Canyon Towhees and Black-creasted Titmice were loudly announcing their territories Saturday. And the views from the front porch are a little impressive; I watched the aerial courtship of two Sharp-shinned Hawks. While I was there I took pictures of the Hutto’s place. Those of you who have been there will enjoy seeing the place again. If you haven’t seen the Hutto’s place, what’s your excuse? Painted Buntings are due back any day now. Click here for pictures; click here for directions.