When and where are your meetings held?

Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Rose Park Center, 2625 S. 7th. We do not meet in January, June, July, August, or September. Meetings are free and open to the public.

Email:   BigCountryAudubon@live.com

Facebook Group:  Big Country Audubon Society

Do I need any special equipment to watch birds?

A good pair of binoculars and a field guide to identify or confirm the birds you see are all that are required. However, you should dress appropriately for the habitat including rugged clothing and footwear, a hat to block the sun, and warm or light clothing as needed for the season. And, of course, take plenty of water and snacks depending on the location and duration of the trip. Make sure you are with an experienced group or have good maps of the area you plan to visit. The maps on each birding location in this website can get you started.

How often do you have birding field trips and is anyone welcome?

Field trips are usually conducted on Saturdays about once per month. Everyone is cordially invited. Information about these trips is normally posted on this website in advance under the heading News and Events. Club members often bring birding scopes which they are happy to allow everyone in the party to look through to better view the birds.

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