Cedar Creek meanders through Will Hair Park, making this local park ideal for a quick birding stop. As with all urban parks, birding is best early in the morning before the locals put it to use. A favorite spot to watch for passerines and migrants is behind the houses on Cedar Crest Drive where frisbee golf is played. If you walk along the golf course until you can walk no further, you’ll see the area depicted in the photo above. When water is running in the creek birding can get interesting. Birding is good in the winter, too at this location. The photo below is the same scene as above only it’s in January.
Mississippi Kites nest here along with Cardinals, Mockingbirds, Blue Jays, Mourning, White-wing, Eurasian, and Inca Doves. During winter Northern Flicker, Downy Woodpecker, White-crowned, White-throated, Lincoln’s, Swamp, Song, and Harris Sparrows are seen. Migration brings Nashville, Orange-crowned, Yellow-rumped and Yellow Warblers. Painted Redstarts and thrushes put in a quick appearance before moving elsewhere. The creek attracts herons and egrets when the water is running and fish are swimming in the stream. Check out more pictures of Will Hair to get an idea of what to expect.