November 6, 2006 – Dyess AFB

Mesquite Grove Golf Course

Best Bird(s) of the day:

  • Golden-crowned Kinglet, 3 in one area, and 2 in another. Hard to tell if these were the same birds.
  • Eastern Bluebirds, total of 31 for the morning, including the ones seen around WSA


  • Pied-billed Grebe, 1
  • Great Blue Heron, 1 (or three. Saw GBHE at three different ponds but think it’s only one heron that knows how to get around)
  • Cooper’s Hawk, 1
  • Red-shouldered Hawk, 1
  • Red-tailed Hawk, 1
  • Killdeer, 4
  • Greater Yellowlegs, 3
  • Wilson’s Snipe, 2
  • Ring-billed Gull, 35 (circling overhead thinking about landing on the effluent pond)
  • White-wing Dove, 5
  • Mourning Dove, 111
  • Belted Kingfisher, 1
  • Ladder-backed Woodpecker, 3
  • Blue Jay, 10
  • American Crow, 1
  • Common Raven, 2
  • Black-crested Titmouse, 5
  • Bewick’s Wren, 4
  • House Wren, 1
  • Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 4
  • Eastern Bluebird, 9. Most are flocking together
  • Northern Mockingbird, 6
  • Orange-crown Warbler, 1
  • Yellow-rumped Warbler, 11
  • Spotted Towhee, 1
  • Chipping Sparrow, 2
  • Field Sparrow, 5
  • Song Sparrow, 4
  • Swamp Sparrow, 2
  • Lincoln’s Sparrow, 16
  • White-crowned Sparrow, 17
  • Dark-eyed Junco, 18
  • Northern Cardinal, 6
  • Red-winged Blackbird, 11
  • Meadowlark species, 7
  • House Finches, 18
  • House Sparrow, 8

Weapons Storage Area:

  • Ladder-backed Woodpecker, 1
  • Black-crested Titmouse, 3
  • Eastern Bluebird, 22 (almost all found around the main building)
  • European Starling, 368
  • Chipping Sparrow, 2
  • White-crowned Sparrow, 1
  • Dark-eyed Junco, 1
  • Meadowlark species, 57
  • House Finch, 16

All sightings by Laura Packer