Best bird(s) of the day:
- Greater White-fronted Geese, best because there were over 260 of ’em vocalizing and flying in V formation
- Hooded Merganser
- Harris Sparrow
Complete List:
- Greater White-fronted Geese, 260+
- Gadwall, 12 TP
- American Wigeon, 1 TP
- Mallard, 2 TP
- Northern Shoveler, 17 HP
- Ring-necked Duck, 2 TP
- Hooded Merganser, 2 HP
- Great Blue Heron, 2 1@TP, 1@DD
- Red-tailed Hawk, 2 MS
- American Kestrel, 1 MS
- Killdeer, 5 GC
- Mourning Dove, 46 GC
- Belted Kingfisher, 1 HP
- Ladder-backed Woodpecker, 2@GC, 1@DD
- Blue Jay, 1
- American Crow, 2 GC
- Bewick’s Wren, 4 GC
- Eastern Bluebird, 7 HP, 3 DD
- Northern Mockingbird, 5
- Eurasian Starling, 6
- Field Sparrow, 2 GC
- Savannah Sparrow, 4 MS
- Le Conte’s Sparrow, 1 DD
- Song Sparrow, 3 DD
- Lincoln’s Sparrow, 1 DD
- Harris Sparrow, 1 MS
- White-crowned Sparrow, 3 MS
- Dark-eyed Junco, 9 GC
- Northern Cardinal, 2 GC, 1 MS
- Pyrrhuloxia, 1 MS
- Meadowlark species, 20 MS
- House Finch, 92, majority on the GC
- American Goldfinch, 6
2 Coyote sightings.
HP: Hospital’s Pond
TP: Totten Pond
GC: Mesquite Grove Golf Course
DD: Diversion Ditch
MS: Mesquite Shrub Habitat
All Sightings by LgPacker