Dyess Air Force Base
There’s a nice mix of lingering winter birds, spring migrants, and resident birds.
Best bird(s) of the day:
- Green Heron, 1: FOS
- Chimney Swifts: 2, FOS
Complete List (most seen around Totten Pond):
- Blue-winged Teal, 17
- Green Heron, 1
- Turkey Vulture, 1
- Cooper’s Hawk, 1
- Swainson’s Hawk, 1
- Red-tailed Hawk, 1
- Eurasian Collared-Dove, 2
- White-wing Dove, 9
- Mourning Dove, 25
- Chimney Swift, 2
- Belted Kingfisher, 1
- Eastern Phoebe, 2
- Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, 12
- Blue Jay, 6
- Cliff Swallow, 50+
- Barn Swallow, 1
- Black-crested Titmouse, 3
- Bewick’s Wren 6
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 1
- Northern Mockingbird, 8
- Curve-billed Thrasher, 1
- Yellow-rumped Warbler, 1, now singing
- Spotted Towhee, 1
- Clay-colored Sparrow, 2
- Lark Sparrow, 1
- Lincoln Sparrow, 12
- Northern Cardinal, 5
- Common Grackle, 3
- Brown-headed Cowbird, 3
- House Finch, 2
- Other Wildlife: Almost-stepped-on Rattlesnake, 1
Sightings: LgPacker
Cedar Gap Farm
Best bird(s) of the day:
- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, 2 working the oaks around the bird house
Complete List:
- Wild Turkey, 5: three displaying toms and 2 hens
- Black-chinned Hummingbird, 3 seen at once, but there are certainly more there
- Ladder-backed Woodpecker, 2: male and female. I watched them enter and exit a tree cavity. Be happy to share the location with anyone who wants to know OR you can sit and observe for awhile and find it yourself.
- Carolina Chickadee, 2
- Black-crested Titmouse, 1
- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, 2
- Spotted Towhee, 3, haven’t left yet
- Canyon Towhee, 1
- Chipping Sparrow, 37, all in brilliant breeding plumage
- Field Sparrow, 1
- White-throated Sparrow, 2, with one in brilliant breeding plumage
- White-crowned Sparrow, 3
- Northern Cardinal, 5
- Brown-headed Cowbird, 10
- House Finch, 6
- Pine Siskin, 2. I understand they’ve been at Cedar Gap all winter; I saw none in town.
- Lesser Goldfinch, 3
- Other Wildlife: Cottontail Rabbit, not a rattlesnake
Sightings: LgPacker
Sweetwater, Texas
- Carol Cain reported two Lazuli Buntings (male and female) feeding in her backyard!