Best Bird(s):
- Upland Sandpiper
- Brown Creeper, first time to document on Base
Complete List:
- Wild Turkey, 1 (south end of cantonment area)
- Northern Bobwhite, 5
- Double-crested Cormorant, 1@ hospital pond
- Turkey Vulture, 2
- Accipiter, 1
- Red-tailed Hawk, 1
- Upland Sandpiper, 3 heard
- Mourning Dove, 10
- Golden-fronted Woodpecker, 1
- Ash-throated Flycatcher, 1
- Western Kingbird, 6
- Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, 24
- Loggerhead Shrike, 1
- Bell’s Vireo, 1
- American Crow, 1
- Chihuahuan Raven, 1
- Black-crested Titmouse, 1
- Brown Creeper, 1
- Bewick’s Wren, 1
- House Wren, 2
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 1
- Northern Mockingbird, 8
- Curve-billed Thrasher, 1
- Nashville Warbler, 2
- Spotted Towhee, 2 (heard)
- Canyon Towhee, 2
- Cassin’s Sparrow, 9
- Chipping Sparrow, 26
- Clay-colored Sparrow, 40
- Vesper Sparrow, 2
- Lark Sparrow, 5
- Savannah Sparrow, 1
- Grasshopper Sparrow, 16
- Lincoln’s Sparrow, 9
- White-crowned Sparrow, 7
- Northern Cardinal, 3
- Pyrrhuloxia, 1
- Red-winged Blackbird, 6
- Eastern Meadowlark, 2
- Great-tailed Grackle, 2
- Brown-headed Cowbird, 1
- Bullock’s Oriole, 2
- House Finch, 4
- House Sparrow, 2
- Other Wildlife: Porcupine
Sightings in grassland habitat and Mesquite shrub habitat, southern area of Base by LgPacker