April 22-29, 2007

Here are a few recent birds the week of April 22-29, 2007:

  • Black-bellied Whistling Duck, LK
  • Bufflehead, 1: LFP
  • Wild Turkey, CGF
  • Great Egret – 1: LFP
  • Snowy Egret – 3: LFP
  • Cattle Egret – 17: SBP
  • Green Heron – 2: LFP
  • White-faced Ibis – 14: LK
  • Osprey, 1: DAFB
  • Mississippi Kite, FOS 4-26-2007, Elmcreek residential area
  • Semi-palmated Plover, 1: LK
  • Black-necked Stilt, 4: LFP
  • Upland Sandpiper, SBP and DAFB
  • Western Sandpiper, 1: LFP
  • Least Sandpiper, 32: LFP
  • Baird’s Sandpiper, 3: LFP
  • Stilt Sandpiper, LK
  • Short-billed Dowitcher, 1: LK
  • Long-billed Dowitcher, 22: LK
  • Common Tern, 1: LK
  • Forster’s Tern, 11: LK
  • Western Kingbird, CGF
  • Eastern Kingbird, 1: CGF
  • Cedar Waxwing, 12: DAFB
  • Cassin’s Sparrow, 3: DAFB
  • Chipping Sparrow, 40: SBP
  • Clay-colored Sparrow, 20: SBP
  • Lark Sparrow, CGF
  • Grasshopper Sparrow, 2: SBP
  • Lincoln’s Sparrow, 5: DAFB
  • White-throated Sparrow, CGF
  • White-crowned Sparrow, 1: DAFB
  • Lazuli Bunting, 2: CGF
  • Painted Bunting, CGF
  • Dickcissel, 1: DAFB
  • Yellow-headed Blackbird, 8: LK
  • Bronzed Cowbird, LK
  • Bullock’s Oriole, 1: SBP; 10: DAFB

Sightings by Lorie Black, Katherine Hampton, Larry Millar, Kathy Miller, Laura Packer

CGF: Cedar Gap Farm
DAFB: Dyess Air Force Base
LFP: Lake Fort Phantom
LK: Lake Kirby
SBP: SeaBee Park