Love is in the Air (and on Cars)!

March is a great time of year. Many resident birds are staking out territories, singing to attract mates, and starting to build nests. A pair of Eastern Bluebirds were photographed at a natural cavity on Dyess Air Force Base. The couple was pair bonding, evident by the male coming to the cavity and feeding the female:


Wild Turkeys are finding love at Dyess Air Force Base also. But one turkey is finding love in all the wrong places:


Red Crossbills, first spotted in the Buffalo Gap area are now being seen in Abilene!


And a couple of Great Blue Herons are nesting at Nelson Park:


But wait, there’s more Big Country bird news! We’ve got pictures of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, Lesser Goldfinches, and Snowy Plovers. In fact, we have so many interesting photos of what’s been happening this past month that two photo galleries were created for your viewing pleasure, March Menagerie and the photos about Love is in the Air (and on Cars)!

We hope you enjoy our birds of the Big Country in March. Keep your eyes up, there’s more to come!