Here are some recent highlights and first of the season (FOS) sightings for Dyess AFB:
October 9, 2008:
- Spotted Towhee: 2, FOS, returning winter resident
- Vesper Sparrow: 1, FOS, returning winter resident
October 8, 2008:
- Swainson’s Hawk: 1, 2008 hatch-year bird still present at the golf course
- Downy Woodpecker: 1, winter resident
- Carolina Chickadee: 1, fall migrant for DAFB
- American Pipit: 1, heard overhead
- Orange-crowned Warbler: 5, fall migrants
- Nashville Warbler: 6, fall migrants
- Yellow-rumped Warbler: 1, FOS
- White-crowned Sparrow: 1, FOS winter resident
- Western Meadowlark: 2. Yes, they breed here in small numbers but we have an influx of Western Meadowlarks for the winter and about this time the Westerns move into the Big Country.
October 7, 2008:
- Northern Flicker: 1, FOS
October 4, 2008:
- Sharp-shinned Hawk: 1, FOS
- Ruby-throated Hummingbird: 3, still present
- Rock Wren: 1, FOS
- Western Tanager: 1, first time to record at DAFB
October 3, 2008:
- Orange-crowned Warbler: 4
- Nashville Warbler: 9
- Wilson’s Warbler: 2
- Lincoln’s Sparrow: 1, FOS winter resident
October 2, 2008:
- Yellow-crowned Night-Heron: 1, juvenile, a little late in the season
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet: 1, FOS winter resident
- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher: 1, still present, possible winter resident
September 29, 2008:
- Olive-sided Flycatcher: 1, fall migrant
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet: 1, FOS returning winter resident
- Brown Thrasher: 1, FOS and first time to document with a photo
- Baltimore Oriole: 1, a fall migrant
Sightings by LgPacker. If you wish to see a complete list of birds seen these dates, please contact us and it will be e-mailed to you.