The year end wrap up…

We have one last scheduled field trip for the year.

Saturday, May 21, 2011 – the Maddin Prairie Preserve.  We will leave from the What-a-burger on North 1st and Pioneer at 7:00am.  Come early if you wish to eat breakfast.  Be sure to bring snacks and water.  We will probably stop for lunch on the way home.


BCAS birders might keep eyes skyward over the next few days around sunset.  From my south Abilene backyard yesterday I observed an overhead flock of 20-25 Yellow-headed Blackbirds, flying west northwest from the general direction of Kirby Lake.  This evening I saw a larger flock (40-50 birds), on a similar flight path.

Also had two MacGillivray’s Warblers foraging in my backyard yesterday evening.

Gary Hunter

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