Sep. 18, 2010 – Abilene- Oakwood Trails
Birding was good at Oakwood Trails. GROUP TOTAL 15!!! Best birds: Nashville Warblers, Black and White Warbler and Green Heron. Number of species: 24 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck – 15 Mallard – 1 Wild Turkey – 5 Green Heron – 4 Turkey Vulture – 2 Red-shouldered Hawk – 1 Killdeer 2 Rock Pigeon – 25 White-winged Dove […]
September Events
Mark your calendar! Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010 – BCAS Annual Meeting, 6:00pm at the Cedar Gap Farms Birdhouse! This is a brown bag event. BCAS will provide beverages. Come earlier if you wish to walk the trails or bird. Saturday, Sept. 18, 2010 – Field Trip to Oakwood Trails. Meet at 7:30 AM. Oakwood Trails […]
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, August 10, 2010 – Board Meeting 7:00pm at Mez Amiz Coffee Shop. Come earlier to order dinner. All interested members are invited. Thursday, September 2, 2010 – BCAS Annual Meeting and election of officers. More information to follow at later date.
Summer Fun 2010
Tuesday May 11, 2010 – Board meeting 7pm at Mez miz Cafe. Saturday May 29, 2010 – Field Trip to Dyess Air Force Base. Meet at 7:00am at the Dyess Visitors Center. Carpool if possible and RSVP with Dan if you plan to go on this trip. Email – bigcountryaudubon@live.com or call the hotline by […]
Prairie Chickens seen at Lake Abilene?
Larry Millar has received a report of Prairie Chicken sp. being seen at Lake Abilene yesterday. No other details, but Larry says the person is a reliable source. This is a Lesser Prairie Chicken, it may look similar to it.  If you see them, please call our hotline and/or notify Abilene SP officials.
Species Spotlight… Great Kiskadee
The Great Kiskadee (Pitangus sulphuratusis) a large (8.8 in. long, weight 2.2 oz.) tyrant flycatcher. It breeds in open woodlands with some tall trees, including cultivation and around human habitation, from southern Texas and Mexico to Uruguay and central Argentina, and on to Trinidad. An adult Great Kiskadee has a stout black bill. The head […]
Spring 2010 Events
Thursday, April 1, 2010 – Membership meeting 7:00pm at the Rose Park Senior Center. Park Administrator Okie Okerstrom or another staff member will treat us to a presentation on the importance of Abilene State Park to the surrounding communities. Fri & Sat, April 9- 10, 2010 – Field trip to Ft. Hood. This will be […]
Membership Meeting April 1st, 7pm
Our meeting will be at the Rose Park Senior Center at 7pm. Don’t forget the our meeting room is changed to the room across the hall by the bathrooms. The subject of our meeting will be, the importance of Abilene State Park to the surrounding communities. It will be presented by a member of the […]
Field Trip to Dyess AFB – CANCELLED
Sorry Folks, Our field trip to Dyess tomorrow is cancelled due to expected weather conditions. We will try to reshedule.
2010 GBBC News Release
Join the Great Backyard Bird Count February 12-15, 2010 New York, NY and Ithaca, NY—Bird watchers coast to coast are invited to take part in the 13th annual Great Backyard Bird Count, Friday, February 12, through Monday, February 15, 2010. Participants in the free event will join tens of thousands of volunteers counting birds in their […]