Mason County Field Trip

Mason County Field Trip

Six of us went to Mason County and birded private property April 29. We were thoroughly impressed and all had a good time. The weather was nice and mild after a rainy stormy Friday, and birds were everywhere. We saw colorful birds: the Summer Tanagers, Vermilion Flycatchers, and Painted Buntings. We saw both males and females, got them in a spotting scope and saw them as if standing only a foot from them. We found a couple of Verdins flitting about the cactus; they are a little gray bird with a bright yellow head and a brilliant red patch on their shoulder. My only regret is I kept the camera hidden for most of the day. I thought about taking pictures but instead chose to hold the binoculars. Nevertheless, the few pictures I took are here. Our species list was 49 and some of the highlights were:

Blue-headed Vireo (one at the Wheeler’s house)
Bell’s Vireo (they were almost everywhere)
Black-throated Sparrow (one singing)
Cassin’s Sparrows (several singing and skylarking)
Clay-colored Sparrows (dozens migrating through)
Crested Caracara (soaring and one spotted in a field closeup!)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (one among the dozens of Black-chinneds)
Common Poorwill (several calling in the early morning)
Cliff Swallows (hundreds nesting on the canyon walls above the James River)

2 responses to “Mason County Field Trip”

  1. I often do the same thing — find myself very focused on birding and not taking as many pictures as I wish to.

    The pictures look nice though, and the location looks like a wonderful place to bird, with a some relief!

  2. Looks like you had fun. I was at Concan about the same time, birding after a long hiatus — thoroughly enjoyed it! Shame everything happens at one time.