As promised, here’s the latest update on the Swainson’s Hawks at Dyess AFB. After watching the hawks build onto the previous year’s nest site in March, they apparently abandoned that site and chose another in April. The new site is far from remote; it’s right on the golf course where all golfers walk right underneath it. The site is so well hidden, however, you have to know where it is to be able to find it unless you just happen to see the hawks fly into the nest. John and I watched this pair build their new nest and between his pictures and my pictures you can get an idea of what was happening. Click here for the continued picture story of the nesting Swainsons. Come back in about a month and we’ll have another update.
One response to “Swainson’s Hawks at Dyess, Continued”
I’ve seen a Swainson’s Hawk on F.M. 707 a number of times. I thought you’d like to know