May Days to Remember

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Big Country Audubon’s annual Spring Social at Cedar Gap Farm, 6 p.m. Please join us for a fun evening of food, birds, and birders! BCAS will provide the brisket and drinks; all you need to add is two side dishes such as vegetable, salad, bread or dessert. No program; we’re watching the birds. The Painted Buntings are here and two Lazuli Buntings were reported last week. This is a great event to bring the non birding spouse or beginning birders. See you there!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Field trip to Walnut Creek Ranch, west of Lake Spence. Bird banders Ross Dawkins and Delbert Tarter of San Angelo will be present and banding birds. You will be able to see the birds up close and personal, in the hand and perhaps even in your hand. After observing the banding, we will tour the ranch and look for breeding Scott’s Oriole, Black-capped Vireo, Vermilion Flycatcher, and others. For those wishing to drive down on Friday evening, rooms are available at the ranch for $25 per person. Please call the hotline (325-691-8981) and leave us a message if you want a room. We will contact you with further instructions. If you prefer to drive down on Saturday morning, you’ll need to leave about 5:30 a.m. from Abilene to get to Walnut Creek Ranch in time to see the banding which will take place at sunup. The day fee is $5 per person.

What to bring: the usual birding gear such as binoculars, sunscreen, hat, water, snacks, hiking boots, etc. Also bring your own food for breakfast and lunch. A refrigerator and kitchen will be available for our use.

More information will be posted here later as needed. If you have questions, leave them in the “Leave a Reply” section and we will be happy to answer them.

One response to “May Days to Remember”

  1. Could you help my grandma identify this bird? She lives in Northwest Abilene.

    She describes it as having a yellow speckled breast with black and white wings and shrill sound, not a red bird, robin or a wren.

    Thank you

    Brent Bassett