Blog Overload

Well, I’ve gone and done it. I’ve birded and taken so many pictures the past couple of weeks that I now have close to 200 pictures for show and tell. But because I’m a nice guy I’ll condense the collection to fifty. No, I don’t have time for that many either. So here’s the succinct bird blog of the past three weeks:

The fall migratory Osprey at Dyess AFB:


A short picture-story of nesting Canyon Towhees at the end of September:


A few pictures of little yellow birds seen in migration:


Another wren moves into the Big Country for the winter:


and a smattering of gluttonous birds pose for the camera:


Look interesting? The follow-up pictures are in Fall’s Gallery, 2007. Enjoy!

2 responses to “Blog Overload”

  1. Getting to see your wonderful pictures are the only birding I’ve done lately. I do enjoy seeing them. Keep them coming—all 200!