Heidi Trudell found a dark bird flying with the Ring-billed Gulls Thursday, November 8, 2007, around 12:45 p.m. at Lake Kirby, Taylor County, TX. But without a field guide, a definite ID could not be made. I re-found the bird around 4:30 p.m. and managed some photos. We believe the jaeger is a juvenile Parasitic Jaeger. It was a warm brown color, small bill, and pale base to the primaries. We’d appreciate feedback from those that are more experienced with jaegers. More photos can be seen in the Rare Bird Gallery. Full-sized photos will be e-mailed upon request.
One response to “Jaeger Cruises Over Lake Kirby, November 8, 2007”
I got a very good close up look today and I feel it is Parasitic as well , the over all head shape and the color cinemon patterning on the back gives me this impression. Larry