Saturday, Nov. 14, 2009 – Field trip to Lake O.H. Ivie. We will leave from Burger King on Antilley Road promptly at 7:00am. This will be an all day trip, bring a sack lunch and water. We will try to stop at a frequented eatery for lunch. Target birds are returning waterfowl and Bald Eagles.
Saturday, Dec. 5, 2009 – This will be a half day field trip around Lake Ft. Phantom Hill. We will meet at Denny’s on I-20 & FM600 at 7:30am. Come earlier if you wish to eat breakfast. Bring snacks and water. Target birds will be Osprey, Vermillion Flycatcher and Canvasback.
Saturday, Dec. 5, 2009 – Christmas Party at 6:00pm at the Lueders Train Depot on the Ben Richey Boys Ranch at 501 Ben Richey Drive. Please bring your favorite party finger food. If you wish to exchange gifts, please bring one that doesn’t exceed a value of $10.
2 responses to “Fall 2009 Events!”
Glad to catch up on up-coming events since I missed the Nov. meeting. Is the Christmas party Dec 3 instead of 5?
Hi Edna, enjoyed birding with you yesterday. Yes the party will be on Saturday, Dec. 5th this year. The board decided to make it a Big Country Audubon Christmas, birding in the morning and partying that night. This was done to allow a couple out-of-town members the opportunity to bird with us and attend the Christmas party. I hope this will make it more convenient for everyone.