Christmas Party: Tue., Dec. 7, 2010 6:00pm at the …501 Ben Richey Drive (in the old Lueders Train Depot). Bring your favorite finger food and join us for an evening of fellowship. If you wish to participate in a gift exchange, bring a nature-related gift with a value of $10 or less.
Board Meeting: Tue., Dec. 14, 2010 7:00pm at Mesamiz Coffee Shop. This is a special meeting to organize for CBC.
Christmas Bird Count: Sat., Jan. 1, 2011 – Please call the hotline or email us if you plan to participate. This is usually an all day event that begins as early as 7am till 7pm after the countdown and dinner at a local eatery. Watch your email and the website for further information.
Field Trip: Sat., Jan. 22, 2011, Waste Water Treatment Plant. Depart at 8:00 AM. from McDonald’s, 1201 N. Judge Ely. Come early if you would like to buy breakfast. Target birds: Black-neck Stilt, Wilson’s Phalarope, and sandpipers. Bring water and snacks.
Field Trip: Sat., Feb. 26, 2011, Colorado City State Park. Depart at 7:00AM. from Whataburger, 4241 South 1st St. Come early if you would like to buy breakfast. Target birds: Bushtits, Verdin, and Pyrrhuloxia. Bring water and snacks. We will plan to eat lunch in Colorado City.
2 responses to “Winter Events…”
Is your e-mail still the primary contact for the CBC while you’re out of town?
I hope I can make it to the Christmas Count on 1 January 2011. I do not have a computer at our ranch, only at our home, but my husband can always give me a message.